What do you get out of the body painting experience?

What do you get out of the body painting experience?

I can tell you from experience what it feels like to explore the creative process and ways to express yourself. I ask my clients to drop the robe, right?! I wouldn’t ask someone to do something that wouldn’t be beneficial and I definitely wouldn’t ask someone to do it, if I myself haven’t tried it!

Yes, I have got naked in front of a stranger…actually a group of them, lol! I was a nude figure model for a local art community where they did quick and long drawings of naked folk!

The rush of power! I was the goddess in their eyes! I do not have the perfect body, by no means, but that’s what made it even more beautiful! I was able to find the things that may have been flaws to me before the actual things that make me..me! I was their muse and I’ve never felt more beautiful! To see the artwork after the session ended, made me want to cry with joy!

Ladies, you are taking control, you are empowering that inner goddess, you are telling everyone who you are and you won’t take their crap, and you get a awesome artwork at the end of it to remember! Cross this off the ole bucket list!


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